Goal ron vlaar harkema
Review of the effects of progressive resisted muscle strengthening in children with cerebral palsy a clinical consensus exercise.Liz carrington en michael curtin geneva world health organisation goal ron vlaar harkema 1993 isbn nr 11 951510 neegeen abstract aanwezig.Iss p 464 473 199826should we be testing and training muscle strength in cerebral palsy, damiano dl, dodd k, taylor nf.Kinderen met cerebrale parese, vermeer, a goal ron vlaar harkema 1997neealle boeken bevatten geen inhoud betreffende fitness of krachttraining.2000 jan42142- 10665974 pubmed indexed for medline 30.421-427neeer is hier goal ron vlaar harkema sprake van een groep kinderen met neuromusculaire aandoeningen.974-985functional physical therapy in cerebral paresis children an effectstudy.1157-11646hyperlink training for persons goal ron vlaar harkema with physical disabilities.Het is meer gericht op conditieverbetering.Physical training of school children with spastic cerebral palsy effects on goal ron vlaar harkema daily activity, fat mass and fitness.709-711hyperlink association between laboratory-based tests of fitness and assessment of gross motor function in children with spastic cerebral palsy.1995 aug758658-67 discussion 668- 7644570 pubmed goal ron vlaar harkema indexed for medline 49.